A note to Nebraska Organizations — NAC grants have been made even easier — No matching funds required!
I'm always touting the Nebraska Arts Council, and with good reason...
Virtual AND in-person
They've revamped their Artists in Schools and Communities GRANTS this year to allow for both virtual and/or in-person sessions — with no matching funds required from the sponsoring organization.
A real deal! — Grants available for virtual, in-person AND hybrid visits from NAC Roster Artists ( like me ;-) )
Flexible Scheduling
The NAC has really outdone themselves to make both scheduling and funding these sessions a no-brainer.
1 session < 1 hour
That's up to one hour — to be provided either virtually or in person (or hybrid)
Short "Visit" vs. longer "Residency"
They've even gotten more flexible on the min/max duration!
Visit = 3 sessions
Residency = 10-30 sessions
And there's no requirement that "sessions" be consecutive. I did a virtual visit last year with UNO's bands and we scheduled the 3 zoom sessions on 3 different dates so I could work with 3 different groups!

The price is right
Again — did I say "no matching funds"!!? For real!
Visit = 3 sessions — flat fee $300
Residency = 10-30 sessions — up to $1650
If your application is accepted, the NAC will fund the full honorarium!
#fulldisclosure Sponsoring organisations are still required to foot the bill for lodging and a small travel stipend. But that's peanuts, compared to the usual fees.

Sooner the better
I've got my first 5-day Residency of the season scheduled in Hastings, NE starting October 20th.
October will be here sooner than I/you/we think... And the funds are on a first-come-first-served basis.
So, if you like to have the Scat Cat Sessions or The French Connection the Great Little Big Band come to your organisation in late October or early November...
I look forward to hearing from ye Huskers! #nebraska #myhomeawayfromhome